Warima Muggi (23) from Nairobi, Kenya, is one of the youth champions through African Monitor’s (AM) youth programme Voice Africa’s Future (VAF), and she is passionate about SDG 3 – which is about ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all at all ages. Below she tells her story on what propelled her to take[…]
June 2017
“Young people have the power to have the kind of nations, continents and world they want”, says Warima Muggi
News Jun 27, 2017
June has been marked as youth month in South Africa, with a specific focus on 16 June, which is also known as Youth Day. The day is about paying tribute to the school pupils who lost their lives during the 16 June 1976 uprising in Soweto. This year marks the 41st anniversary of the Soweto uprising.[…]
Since 2013, African Monitor has included nearly 80 000 voices of young people across Africa, who have since lent their time to the Voice Africa’s Future programme, to pronounce the future as they see it for themselves. The voices of Africans are at the forefront of realizing Africa’s emancipation. We are united in our efforts[…]