Ensuring quality education for all is not only central to the achievement of all of the Global Goals but in particular the goal to end extreme poverty. If I was educated and had skills, I would be able to get a proper job that pays well and would be able to support my family, said[…]
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The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development promotes this core notion of voice, clearly stating that development is not possible without the empowerment and full engagement of citizens. Since its launch in 2017, the Citizen Report (CR) initiative has been African Monitor (AM)’s simple yet powerful tool that enabled the participation of the marginalized communities and the[…]
African Monitor (AM), in partnership with Her Liberty Malawi, held community hearings and a workshop with the youth and community of Chitukula in Lilongwe, Malawi, from the 4th until 8th November 2019. The community hearings were held to discussing the data collected in our project #TheCitizensReport, and to hear how the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are[…]
Social Media4Good: How can we leverage the power of social media for the promotion of a Social Development Agenda
News Sep 26, 2019
#SocialMedia4Good a conversation between Maps Maponyane, Amanda Black and Ayanda Borotho that trended well over 3 hours JOHANNESBURG African Monitor today, Wednesday 25th September, hosted the #SocialMedia4Good event at SterKinekor Rosebank – an interactive debate moderated by Nozipho Mbanjwa, in which South African role models Maps Maponyane, Amanda Black and Ayanda Borotho discussed the UN[…]
African Monitor (AM) will be part of this year’s World Economic Forum taking place this week from 4 till 6 September. AM, represented by Executive Director Ms Namhla Mniki, will lead discussions on Innovating for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Many of Africa’s leaders at WEF will be grappling with Africa’s current opportunities and[…]
African Monitor hosts a Voluntary National Review (VNR) Civil Society Symposium African Monitor, in partnership with the Commission for Gender Equality (CGE) and Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation (CSVR), will host a symposium to give voice to civil society with South Africa participating in the United Nations (UN) Voluntary National Review (VNR)[…]
How African Monitor emerged among three includer finalists for 2019 UN SDG Action Awards
News May 14, 2019
“African Monitor (AM) [is] privileged to be among the finalists in the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Action Awards 2019 for its project [titled] ‘The Citizens Report.’ The selection process for the awards, which attracted over 2000 contestants from 142 countries, resulted in only three finalists under each of the seven categories: mobilizer,[…]
African Monitor named among top three includer finalists for United Nations SDG Action Awards
News Apr 24, 2019
African Monitor (AM) is among the finalists in the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Action Awards 2019 for its project named The Citizens Report. The selection process for the awards, which attracted over 2000 contestants from 142 countries, resulted in only three finalists under each of the seven categories: mobilizer, storyteller, campaigner, connector, visualizer,[…]
While in the field collecting data, one of the youth champions working on the Citizens Report in Tanzania met a little girl by the name of Amina Rashid* (5). Amina is from a small village called Cholesamvula, outside Kisarawe town, Tanzania where the tradition of child marriage is still being commonly practiced. When asked what[…]