African Monitor wants to ensure that African civil society is effectively engaged in influencing and shaping policy in Africa; and is actively advancing the pan-African development agenda globally. AM implements this objective through support given to the Africa CSO Working Group (AWG). AM hosts the Secretariat for AWG, providing financial and strategic support.
The Africa CSO Working Group (AWG) is an open voluntary platform of almost 200 African civil society organisations, platforms and networks seeking to promote sustainable development in Africa.
AWG believes in the pan-African vision as expressed in Agenda 2063 of “an integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa driven by its own citizens and representing a dynamic force in the international arena”. It believes in Africa’s transformative capacity to achieve accelerated development and a prosperous future for all Africans.
This is our transformative approach:
i. We bring political capital, legitimacy and power to Africa’s development agenda, presenting a strong African perspective at the global and regional levels, informed by the collective aspirations of African citizenry.
ii. We provide technical engagement and support to African governments and other development actors across Africa to advance our common agenda for sustainable development in Africa.
iii. We promote evidence-based and citizen-driven development policy and practice, ensuring that ordinary African citizens are at the centre of the development agenda and its implementation.
iv. We develop knowledge products and innovative solutions to respond to, and pre-empt development needs in Africa
v. We strengthen civil society networks, movements, platforms, and organisations in Africa to engage in the implementation and monitoring of Africa’s development commitments.
vi. We promote strong accountable leadership for delivery of the sustainable development agenda.
African Monitor has been co-ordinating the group since its formation in 2012 during the HLP consultations on post 2015. The platform’s work ensured that the realities and aspirations of ordinary African citizens were prioritized in the post-2015 agenda negotiations and related processes. To date the Africa CSO Working Group has effectively worked with the Africa Group of Negotiators in New York, African Union, African member states, UNECA, among others and is recognized as the prime voice for African CSOs on Agenda 2030 and related processes by these and other stakeholders.